The Collab session menu enables access to tools that operate on the whole Collab session.
For example, this menu enables you to access features like Email/Print and Session Save and Load.
You can activate the session menu by tapping on the 'hamburger' icon at the left of any of the toolbars on the edges of the screen:
The features available in the session menu may include:
- Email & Print - opens the email and print dialog for sharing the documents currently open in the session
- Save Session & Load Session - triggers a save or load of the session.
- Capture Screen - takes a screenshot of the whole Collab session, which will appear as a new image file
- Clear Screens - resets content shown on Viewer screens linked to the Collab session
- Clear Session - clears all content on the screen and resets the Collab Share PIN.
- Toggle Read Only - hides the close button on content currently in the session. This is useful if you want to explore or present the content without being able to close it. Pressing this button again will re-enable the close buttons to be visible.
- Switch App - switches to the application menu
- Exit IdeaLayer - closes IdeaLayer and switches back to the Windows desktop.