This page describes a comprehensive list of Resource (content) types that can be constructed in XML layout files.
The base class for all things displayed in IdeaLayer Engine.
- visible: Boolean.
- Whether the resource is visible.
- closebuttonvisible: Boolean.
- Whether the resource's close button is visible
- rotation: Float.
- The rotation of the resource relative to what it would ordinarily be. For a normal resource, this would be the rotation relative to the default orientation. For a resource that is positioned inside another resource or inside a layout, this will be relative to the parent. Note that layouts may ignore rotation when positioning their children.
- scale: Float.
- The scale of the resource, relative to what it would ordinarily be. Children are first scaled according to the scale of their parent, and then this scale is multiplied by their own scale.
- flipped: Boolean.
- Whether the resource is flipped over.
- moveable: Boolean.
- Whether the resource can be moved. Most commonly used to prevent widgets in an interface from being detached or moved relative to their parent.
- scrollable: Boolean.
- Whether the resource can be scrolled (by flicking).
- selectable: Boolean.
- Whether the resource is selectable. This is used to lock a Resource from being selected, and it prevents the parent responding to touch events (e.g. through sendtouchestoparent).
- subimageCaptureEnable: Boolean.
- Whether or not subimage capture is available on this resource.
- sendtouchestoparent: Boolean.
- Whether to let the parent of this resource handle gestures on this resource rather than this resource handling them directly. Useful for making an element comprised of different resources act coherently.
- canlinkto: Boolean.
- Whether the layout of this resource accepts children being added to it.
- rosizable: Boolean.
- Whether it is possible to use the Rosize widgets to rotate and resize the image with one finger
- rotatable: Boolean.
- Whether it is possible to rotate the object
- flippable: Boolean.
- Whether this resource is allowed to be flipped over.
- canlink: Boolean.
- Wether this object is able to link to other objects.
- pinchable: Boolean.
- Whether two (or more) finger resize/rotate/move is enabled
- minscale: float.
- The minimum size of the resource.
- maxscale: float.
- The maximum size of the resource.
- zlayer: int.
- The zlayer that the objects should be created at.
- detachable: Boolean.
- Whether this resource is can be detached from its parent (dragged-off).
- copyondetach: Boolean.
- Whether a new copy of the resource is made when trying to detach it (drag it off) from its parent. This requires 'detachable' to be set to false.
- copyabletodevice: Boolean.
- Whether a this resource can be copied to an external device (e.g. USB storage, mobile device). Set this to false if the resource does not represent a simple file.
- sendabletodatawall: Boolean.
- Whether a this resource can be flicked to another IdeaLayer Engine instance (e.g. table/wall) using the 'datawall' protocol
- commandbarannotationmode: Boolean.
- Sets whether the command bar is in annotation mode.
- isfixedscale: Boolean.
- Sets whether this resource should be affected by parent scale enforced by PDAdapters.
- closebutton: Boolean.
- Whether this object should have a closebutton.
- fillscreen: Boolean.
- Sets whether this resource should be made to fill the screen.
- fillscreenchangeaspect: Boolean.
- Sets whether the objects aspect should be changed when it is made to fill the screen
- objectalpha: float.
- Sets the alpha value of the object - 0.0 to be completely transparent, 1.0 to be completely opaque.
- inheritparentalpha: float.
- Sets whether this object should inherit the alpha value of its parent.
A Sprite (basic image) to be displayed in the Environment.
Inherits from Resource.
- path: String.
- The path of the sprite to be loaded from the local filesystem. Either absolute path or relative to the sharepic folder.
- alpha: Float.
- The alpha value (0..1) to use when rendering the sprite texture.
- shadow: Boolean.
- Whether the sprite should have a drop shadow effect (only shown if the sprite isn't a child resource).
- aspect: Float.
- The desired aspect ratio of the Sprite. Note: some subclasses disable changing of the aspect ratio.
- cornerprop: float.
- The proportional size of the rosize widgets
- preserveaspect: Boolean.
- Whether to preserve the aspect ratio
- annotationsjson: String.
- The JSON string representing the annotations
- dowidgets: Boolean.
- Whether or not the sprite should draw the rosize and flipping widgets in its corners
- zoomlevel: float.
- The initial zoom level of the Sprite
- panoffset-x: float.
- The current pan offset in the x dimension of the Sprite
- panoffset-y: float
- The current pan offset in the y dimension of the Sprite
- hascontrastoutline: Boolean.
- Whether the Sprite should have a contrast outline
- mipmaps: Boolean.
- Whether to enable mipmaps on this Sprite.
Inherits from Image.
- label: String.
- The string to display when there is no text in the TextField.
- text: String.
- The text to be displayed
- textalpha: float.
- The alpha value of the text
- textcolour_r: float.
- The red component of the colour of the text
- textcolour_g: float.
- The green component of the colour of the text
- textcolour_b: float.
- The blue component of the colour of the text
- colour_r: float.
- The red component of the colour of the field
- colour_g: float.
- The green component of the colour of the field
- colour_b: float.
- The blue component of the colour of the field
- fixed: bool.
- Whether the position, rotation, etc of the resource is locked
- singleline: bool.
- Whether the text should be shown on a single line or is allowed to wrap
- truncate: bool.
- If the text takes too much space, should it be truncated or allowed to spill
- password: bool.
- Whether this is a password field. Shows asterisks instead of showing the text
- fontsize: float.
- The size of the font of the text and label
- leftmargin: float.
- The left margin
- rightmargin: float.
- The right margin
- highlight: bool.
- Whether to highlight the label to get the user's attention
- centred: bool.
- Whether the text is centered as opposed to left aligned
- textinheritparentalpha: bool.
- Whether the text inherits the parent alpha as well as the field.
Toplevel resource that shows an image with a command bar (for annotation etc).
Inherits from Sprite.
- hascommandbar: Boolean.
- Sets whether the Image has a command bar.
A Video that is displayed within the Environment.
Inherits from Image.
- loop: Boolean.
- Whether to loop the video indefinitely
- play: Boolean.
- This tells the video to start playing, otherwise it must be manually started by the user.
List of common resource types
- Parent: none
- Parent: Sprite
- Attributes:
- label (string)
- Parent: Sprite
- Attributes:
- dwellnamedcallback (string)
- dwellnamedcallbackarg (string)
- flickcallback (string)
- flickcallbackarg (string)
- label (string)
- labelOffsetY (float)
- labelScale (float)
- namedcallback (string)
- namedcallbackarg (string)
- Parent: Sprite
- Attributes:
- namedcallbackoff (string)
- namedcallbackoffarg (string)
- namedcallbackon (string)
- namedcallbackonarg (string)
- officon (string)
- onicon (string)
- Parent: Image
- Attributes:
- path [hidden]
- title (string)
- Parent: Sprite
- Attributes:
- aspect (float)
- floatingcontent (bool)
- gallerytexturealpha (int)
- gallerytexturepath (string)
- initialcontentpath (string)
- labels (bool)
- maxrecursiondepth (int)
- modal (bool)
- outlinecolourb (int)
- outlinecolourg (int)
- outlinecolourr (int)
- Parent: Image
- Attributes:
- currentpage (int)
- insetnavigationbuttons (bool)
- path (string)
- phascommandbar (bool)
- renderform (bool)
- statuslabel (bool)
- visio (bool)
- Parent: Container
- Attributes:
- folder (string)
- Parent: Web Browser
- Parent: carouselview
- Parent: Sprite
- Attributes:
- path (string)
- Parent: Sprite
- Parent: Sprite
- Attributes:
- alwaysshowcommandbar (bool)
- annotationsjson (string)
- canshare (bool)
- forcelinkedcommandbar (bool)
- fullscreen (bool)
- phascommandbar (bool)
- remotecontrol (bool)
- showcommandbaroninside (bool)
- wantscommandbar (bool)
- zoomlevel (float)
- zoomPanoffset-x (float)
- zoomPanoffset-y (float)
- Parent: Image
- Parent: WebBrowser
- Parent: TextField
- Attributes:
- x (bool)
- y (bool)
- z (bool)
- Parent: Sprite
- Attributes:
- bringexistingwindowtotop (bool)
- cruisertiletrackprocess (bool)
- customprocessmode (int)
- customprocessname (string)
- customprocessnamefromshortchut (bool)
- initialwaitduration (int)
- launchertitle (string)
- launchingmonitor (int)
- locallaunchable (bool)
- maximiseexistingwindow (bool)
- maxwaitduration (int)
- nshow (int)
- path (string)
- pendingmessage (string)
- shellfilename (string)
- shellparams (string)
- shellverbs (string)
- showcruisertile (bool)
- workdir (string)
- Parent: Sprite
- Attributes:
- dwellnamedcallback (string)
- dwellnamedcallbackarg (string)
- namedcallback (string)
- namedcallbackarg (string)
- screenfraction (float)
- screenside (int)
- Attributes:
- annotationbutton (bool)
- canlink (bool)
- canlinkto (bool)
- closebutton (bool)
- closebuttonvisible (bool)
- commandbarannotationmode (bool)
- contextmenu (bool)
- contextmenuvisible (bool)
- copyondetach (bool)
- detachable (bool)
- fillscreen (bool)
- fillscreenchangeaspect (bool)
- fillscreencover (bool)
- flippable (bool)
- flipped (bool)
- fullscreenbutton (bool)
- ignoresessionclean (bool)
- inheritparentalpha (bool)
- isfixedscale (bool)
- maxscale (float)
- minscale (float)
- moveable (bool)
- objectalpha (float)
- openwithbutton (bool)
- pinchable (bool)
- rosizable (bool)
- rotatable (bool)
- rotation (float)
- saveable (bool)
- savewithsession (bool)
- scale (GLfloat)
- scrollable (bool)
- selectable (bool)
- sendabletodatawall (bool)
- sendtouchestoparent (bool)
- subimageCaptureEnable (bool)
- visible (bool)
- worldheight (float)
- worldwidth (float)
- zlayer (float)
- Parent: Sprite
- Parent: Image
- Attributes:
- 1_numpages (int)
- 2_currentpage (int)
- captureheight (int)
- capturewidth (int)
- path (string)
- phascommandbar (bool)
- Parent: SkiaScrapbook
- Parent: Resource
- Attributes:
- alpha (float)
- aspect (float)
- backgroundcolour (Colour)
- bottomdrawlimit (ObjectCoord)
- contrastoutlinecolour (Colour)
- contrastoutlinethickness (float)
- cornerprop (float)
- cornerradius (CornerRadiusVertices)
- dowidgets (bool)
- hasbackgroundcolour (bool)
- hascontrastoutline (bool)
- leftdrawlimit (ObjectCoord)
- mipmaps (bool)
- path (string)
- preserveaspect (bool)
- rightdrawlimit (ObjectCoord)
- shadow (bool)
- texturecolour (Colour)
- topdrawlimit (ObjectCoord)
- Parent: Sprite
- Parent: Sprite
- Attributes:
- labelOffsetY (float)
- labelScale (float)
- singlestream (bool)
- streamlauncherfile (string)
- streamlauncherlabel (string)
- Parent: Video
- Parent: Image
- Attributes:
- centred (bool)
- fixed (bool)
- font (string)
- fontsize (float)
- highlight (bool)
- horizontal_alignment (string)
- label (string)
- leftmargin (float)
- password (bool)
- path [hidden]
- rightmargin (float)
- singleline (bool)
- singleline_mode (string)
- text (string)
- textalpha (float)
- textcolour_b (float)
- textcolour_g (float)
- textcolour_r (float)
- truncate (bool)
- vertical_alignment (string)
- Parent: TextFieldLabel
- Attributes:
- template (string)
- Parent: TextField
- Parent: WebBrowser
- Parent: WebBrowser
- Parent: Sprite
- Attributes:
- objectid (int)
- sendobject (bool)
- tuioserverip (string)
- tuioserverport (int)
- Parent: Video
- Attributes:
- streamfilename (string)
- tuioserverip (string)
- tuioserverport (int)
- Parent: Image
- Parent: Image
- Attributes:
- aspect (float, bool)
- fps (double)
- height (int)
- inhibit_idle (bool)
- loop (bool)
- mute (bool)
- network-stream (bool)
- path (string)
- play (bool)
- remoteloopsync (bool)
- seekto (double)
- width (int)
- Parent: Image
- Attributes:
- addressbar
- annotatable
- keyboardbutton
- makepopupnavigateparent
- mousemodebutton
- navigationbuttons
- openwithbutton
- path [hidden]
- popuppolicy
- scrollmodebutton
- textureheight
- texturewidth
- touchmode
- touchmodebutton
- url
- viewheight
- viewwidth
- zoom
- Parent: Sprite
- Attributes:
- path (string)
- windowlaunchercmd (string)
- windowlauncherexec (string)
- windowlauncherexec4hide (string)
- windowlauncherfile (string)
- windowlauncherlocallaunchable (bool)
- windowlaunchertitle (string)
- windowlauncherworkdir (string)