IdeaLayer Engine can be configured by editing its configuration file. To edit the configuration file, select the "Edit IdeaLayer Engine config file" option from the Windows start menu. To edit settings for the Viewer mode, select the "Edit IdeaLayer Viewer config file" option from the Windows start menu.
The Engine touch configuration file (called touch-config.rc) is located in the C:\ProgramData\IdeaLayer Engine directory. Viewer mode has a similar configuration file, called viewer-config.rc.
You can edit this file manually by double-clicking on it and opening it in a text editor, however you may require administrator permissions.
It is recommended that these configuration files are backed up along with your license.key file.
Any line of the Engine configuration file preceded by the # character will be ignored. For most parameters, Engine will assume a pre-configured default value for any parameters not set. In the rest of the help guides, the presence of a # will be referred to as "commented out", or disabled. Removal of a # will be referred to as "un-commenting", or enabling it.
Some lines in the file may end with a # character, followed by a description of what the setting means.